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MTG > Metagame Pioneer > deck B G R U W

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. In recent appearances alucard_999 made 5V-0L at Pioneer League and MohammedbinSalman made 80º at Pioneer Challenge 64.

Main Deck cards B G R U W

Sideboard cards B G R U W


The deck "B G R U W" in the Pioneer format of Magic: The Gathering focus on a mix of control, disruption, and combo potential. The deck utilizes a variety of multicolored cards to create a versatile and powerful strategy. One potential strategy could involve using cards like Thoughtseize and Duress to disrupt your opponent's hand, while also utilizing removal spells like Fatal Push and Rending Volley to deal with threats on the board. Atraxa, Grand Unifier can help to support your board presence and enhance your spells. The inclusion of cards like Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki and Transmogrify suggest a potential combo aspect to the deck, allowing you to create powerful token copies of creatures or potentially cheat out game-ending threats. Some strengths of the deck include its flexibility with access to multiple colors, the ability to disrupt your opponent's game plan, and the potential for explosive plays with its combo elements. However, the deck may struggle with consistency due to its reliance on specific card combinations for its combo win condition. It may also struggle with aggressive strategies if it doesn't draw the right answers in time. Overall, the deck "B G R U W" in the Pioneer format appears to be a unique and creative deck with a mix of control, disruption, and combo elements, offering players a variety of strategic options to explore and master.

Pioneer deck B G R U W: Last winning deck

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