MTG > Metagame Pauper > deck Azorius Affinity
About Pauper Azorius Affinity
Belonging to the metagame from Pauper, Azorius Affinity is a deck with the following key cards: Cast Down, Nihil Spellbomb, Island, Thought Scour, Counterspell, Brainstorm, Tolarian Terror, Contaminated Aquifer, with an overall win percentage of 60.0% in 30 games in the last 6 months. The deck performances better against Dimir Control and Grixis Burn and worst against Grixis Burn and Gruul Ponza. In recent appearances TiagoFuguete made 3V-1L at Pauper Royale 224 and AmoxMiguel made 4V-0L at FUGUETE CHAMP 215.
Main Deck cards Azorius Affinity
Sideboard cards Azorius Affinity
The Azorius Affinity deck in the Pauper format of Magic: The Gathering revolves around quickly deploying cheap artifacts and boosting them with powerful artifact synergy cards. The deck aims to overwhelm opponents with a combination of efficient creatures like Ornithopter and Myr Enforcer, card draw spells like Thoughtcast, and disruptive spells like Metallic Rebuke and Counterspell. One of the strengths of the deck is its ability to generate a lot of mana and card advantage in the early game, allowing it to deploy threats quickly and disrupt opponents' game plans. The deck also has some resilience with cards like Relic of Progenitus and Prismatic Strands to deal with graveyard strategies and combat tricks. However, the deck can struggle against decks with a lot of mass removal or heavy counterspells that can disrupt its game plan. The reliance on artifacts also leaves the deck vulnerable to artifact hate cards that can shut down key pieces of the strategy. Overall, the Azorius Affinity deck in Pauper is a fast and aggressive deck that can be very powerful when piloted correctly, but it also requires careful resource management and strategic play to overcome its weaknesses.
Pauper deck Azorius Affinity: Last winning deck
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